The international ISO 17100-2015 “Translation services - Requirements for translation services” certificate is a voluntary certificate and gives no permits. Its main difference from licenses and other equivalent documents is not a permission, but a confirmation. The standard confirms that a translation agency applies and keeps up with demands to all the aspects of the written translation process that is directly affects on the quality and translation service providing.
The standard includes instructions for translation services providers on key management processes, qualification requirements to the translation project members, resource availability and its management, as well as the other actions, necessary for providing of high-quality translation services.
In EU, translation agencies with ISO 17100-2015 certification, fall under the reliable companies. This certificate confirms the high quality of services provided, irrespectively of external and internal terms, has a positive affect on formation of public opinion on company’s status on the market and, as a result, increases the quantity of orders and requests. ISO 17100-2015 certificate is a voucher for business partners, banks, investment trusts, etc.
Do you know that according to the requirements of the Standard, the translation agency should follow closely the qualification of permanently working employees (translators, editors, etc.,) or freelancers (translators, proofreaders, reviewers, etc.) ; to introduce compulsory technical and technological resources and to set necessary terms and arrangements of project administration?
When you turn to a translation agency, are you suggested to conclude a contract?
Are such crucial things as privacy policy and personal data processing mentioned?