Client got lured

New customers regularly come to our office and we are very pleased to see how the volumes and amounts of their orders are constantly growing: it means that people have work, and we will have work too.
Among such customers is one of the largest law firm of Ukraine. At the time of meeting with the CEO personally, we had already completed several large orders for them.
As it turned out, this company has a constant request for the translation of legal documents into a large number of languages. For several years they were cooperating with one of the largest translation agencies of Kiev. At first, everything was fine. Then there appeared problems and when they needed to resolve complaints, to adjust the cost or speed up the order, it was necessary to spend a lot of time and the answer was not always positive.
And then the head of the company himself decided to come to our office as an individual and order a translation. During several weeks he came or called from time to time, communicated with several managers, made rather specific orders for translation, including into not the most common languages.
Having found out how our translation agency works with clients, making sure personally of our reliability and responsibility, as well as the competence of the translators, he proposed to sign a permanent contract for servicing his business.
Since then, our companies have been working together, using each other's strengths.