Presidential debates 2019

Presidential debates 2019



We all remember the intrigue of the presidential election in Ukraine 2019: will there be debates or not?

On Monday, the day after the first tour, the whole country asked this question.

And in the evening, at 11 p.m., they contacted us.

- Can you translate the video from English?

- Of course, we can. Can you send it to us to so we can see what it is all about?

A few minutes later we were watching to the video. It was a 23-minute video that discussed the ins and outs of conducting political debates on the experiences of US presidential / governor candidates. The texts were quite specific, many quotes, references to personal names, certain historical events and situations. In addition, not all participants in the video had a perfect pronunciation, a lot of emotionally colored expressions, some used gestures and facial expressions instead of words.

- And what are the deadlines? We can do the translation within 2 days.

- We need it done in the morning, at 8 a.m., maximum at 9 a.m.

We had only a few minutes to make a decision: many will be able to make such a translation within 2 days. In critical situations, true professionalism is tested by the ability to make a quick decision and take responsibility.

- We’ll do.

We sent the finished translation to them at 5 a.m. It was a challenge that mobilized our potential, the night passed quickly, we learned out a lot of new and interesting things.

And in the morning, we already knew for sure: the debates will be held.