Operation "Cardiac stents"

Once a guy opened the door to our office. He looked upset.
He asked to carry out proofreading of the medical text. We found out that his company was engaged in the certification of foreign medicines and equipment in Ukraine, and at the moment they were preparing documents for the certification of cardiac stents. The translation, that he showed, had been done by a recent university graduate in one of the organizations of our city (Khmelnitsky is a relatively small city, so the anamnesis was established very quickly).
After getting acquainted with the original documents and the translation, it became clear that in this case, proofreading will not save: even a small mistake or inaccuracy can cost a life. Such a translation cannot be performed without understanding the nuances of the stent installation process, without knowledge of special terminology. In addition, using the translation, the experts should get an entire picture of the different models of stents, as well as medical indications for their installation, possible complications, etc.
Before starting the translation, we had read a lot of subject materials in order to understand the stenting procedure itself, involved several cardiologists and surgeons in consultations, compiled a glossary, which was discussed and approved by professionals.
We were working on this project throughout the year. We translated over 1,000 pages, met great people, and were proud to contribute to saving the lives of many people.