CRM and native speaker

In IT, as in any other industry, there are easier projects, such as ordinary websites, and absolutely very complex ones.
In spring 2019, we managed to get one project from the second category.
In short, it was translation of CRM system documentation to enter the US market.
Fortunately, the Customer understood the volume of work and contacted us in advance, but not at the last moment, as it often happens. The difficulty concerned specific terminology, a huge number of pages that needed layout and, the most interesting, the need for proofreading by a native speaker.
In truth, few people apply for proofreading, the price is rather high for this pleasure, since, as you know, the British earn in pounds, the Americans in dollars, and the French in euros.
But, when you plan to open new horizons, there is no room for error, you need not just a translation, but a complete adaptation for the local market, and no matter how good our translator is, you can’t do without a native foreign translator.
We successfully completed this task: 2 months of cooperation and the Ukrainian product sailed to conquer the world.